Remote testing of marine robots

After having had the first lectures on marine robotics, students will be able to perform some hands-on activities remotely. This activity will allow high school students to remotely access robots used by the higher education partners. Students will have the possibility of accessing cutting-edge technology by using remote access infrastructure provided by the university partners FER and Constructor University. 

FER pool

The opportunities provided by remote access will be exploited to allow students from different countries to try robots in different locations and with different levels of complexity. Moreover, the use of remote access to robots (telerobotics) will decrease the ecological footprint of the project by avoiding unnecessary travels. This will contribute to fight climate change and will teach environmental sustainability to the students by showing the potentialities of remote testing. This activity will also be preparatory for testing robots at sea for better efficiency in the project. By testing first from their locations and only later testing robots in real environments, students will increase their readiness level for testing at sea and learn about the practicalities of testing robots in the water. Finally, a wider number of students can be reached with remote testing than with testing at sea due to budget restrictions.

Within this activity, it is expected that the students will understand the practicalities of the deployment and operation of marine robots and will be able to remotely pilot safely complex marine robots. Moreover, it is expected that the students will acquire the needed skills to pilot these robots in more complex scenarios at sea.